Mass Site Visitor - the most feature-rich traffic bot

Mass Site Visitor - the most feature-rich traffic bot

IMPORTANT NOTE: Mass Site Visitor is sold exclusively on Envato (Codecanyon) since 2016 (I also used to sell it at SeoClerks/Codeclerks as headshote, but these marketplaces are dead now), anybody else trying to sell this bot to you is a scammer

MSV 2.4 Is Out NOW! (Nov 2023) Important Update with Similar Web support and better stability

Mass Site Visitor (MSV) is designed to generate large amounts of traffic to websites of your choice through the list of proxies in a multi-threaded way using the power of your computer. It concurrently runs automated browser sessions in the background on your PC, and directs their traffic through proxies to the target website(s). MSV allows you to set visitor behavior from simple like page visiting, to automatic clicking random links and scrolling, to complex conditional clicks on any elements of your web page.

Latest features include:

1. Auto-Random clicking and scrolling – reduce your bounce rate and simulate real user behavior on web-page with an easy setup in a couple of clicks

2. JavaScript referrer spoofing (for Google Analytics traffic sources)

3. Chromedriver (non-headless browser to influence video/audio view counts on web-sites that track the playback from visitors). Pro-tip: don’t use JS referrer spoofing with this feature, because media sharing sites don’t care much about traffic sources, that would be only useful for influencing Google Analytics.

4. Test all proxies (will use the connection timeout and number of attempts from the Options window)

5. Private proxy support, consult the manual as to how setup you proxy list to supply authentication info for a private proxy provider.

6. Editable browser dimensions. Check the Options menu, use the format, as you’ll see for the default resolutions, provided with the program.

7. Firefox geckodriver. For cases when Chrome is not enough. Nightly is a preferred version, because only it was working properly without crashes on different machines.

8. Experimental: SimilarWeb addon support for better ranking results. Warning: works stably only with chrome (windowed) / firefox.

9. Multiple web-site destinations for a session. One web-site per line in a textifield – one of those will be randomly selected each time to visit.

10. Search for the element to click within an iframe. If a link is within an embedded third-party web-page, consult the manual on how to use it. If the link isn’t in an iframe – just leave the last 2 textfields of the script as they are (one with NO, another empty)


How to use it? just unpack the archive into some folder, run the .exe file, scrap proxies, enter website url, press start, address all questions in the PDF manual, or by checking out and studying the gui – it should be pretty self-explanatory

Can i use Mass Site Visitor for youtube url? Youtube is not properly supported – i don’t guarantee any impressive results there

Does it take a long time to get these visitors? After running for some time – no, initially – yeah. In the beginning while the bot goes through scraped proxies, filtering out the unresponsive ones (and i have 1.5 minutes timeout because some working proxies are very busy, but they eventually work) your progress will be slow, but then the pace picks up. Additionally if you have a high stay on page interval, and stay after click on an HTML element(if set) your throughput will decrease. That is unnecessary, you can reduce those, but in some case can be used to ensure that user behavior is more genuine and page loads fully (some lagging async loads can take time to complete)

Can that bot handle low cpu usage?How many threads can a PC handle? CPU usage will increase with thread amount, and so will ram. i5 Maxwell + 8 GB ram handles 50 phantomjs threads comfortably, I can use browser at the time while running Mass Site Visitor. Generally, however many chrome tabs your PC can handle simultaneously without freezing is an upper theoretical limit for MSV threads.

My hardware is now Rayzen r5 1600AMD rx5708gb ram How long i will need for 100k visits? maybe like a week or less

I sell physical products online and I wander if your bot could be useful to promote listings on Etsy, Amazon etc. or my own website. Do you think it can help with indexing/promotion? I am not too sure about algorithms Amazon and alike you to calculate rankings, but if traffic from non-logged in users, which don’t purchase products (I mean, that would require spending actual money on purchases) influences ranking positively – MSV will work for you.Yeah, if logged in sessions aren’t important for your use. Is there a way to send trafffic to that link and create a script to press play?if i wanted to use it to increase the number of plays on a song? Yeah, it sounds possible (with the clicker feature). Although I haven’t tested MSV on this particular site

Driver version error in the Events tab of MSV. Well the error says that you have mismatch between chrome and chrome driver, so either press the update browser drivers button on the main window, or see the about window for links to chrome driver and download the one according to your chrome version, and replace it in bin folder of msv. You should download the latest versions of those drivers from the official web-sites, check these links

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